Participant Donations from Dementia Webinar Extended Kindness

Dementia webinar has raised funds and extended kindness to residents in an aged care facility in the Southern Philippines

 Dementia webinar has raised funds and extended kindness to residents in an aged care facility in the Southern Philippines

QualiCareNZ hosted a free webinar on Dementia last 5 November 2021, with Dr Jed Montayre as the speaker and facilitator. It was a very well-attended event with participants from New Zealand, Australia and from Canada.

The webinar covered basic information about the nature of dementia, including the current evidence on risk factors as well as up-to-date information on managing symptoms in dementia. Dr Montayre also highlighted the importance of using appropriate language in addressing people living with dementia and presented strategies to promote dementia awareness to the public.

The participants found the webinar very useful and at the same time something they were very excited to take part in, as QualiCareNZ has accepted gold coin donations from the participants, which was donated to an aged care home in Davao Philippines- Co Su Gian, Home for the Aged.

The funds raised were sent to the administrators of the aged care facility, which was used to purchase food, and other essential items such as gloves, hand sanitizers, and continence products. While some of us might think that these are basic items that aged care facilities in New Zealand are expected to provide, it is not the case in most developing countries and therefore even the small amount of funds raised from the webinar had gone a long way for these residents (pictured).

QualiCareNZ is very proud of this initiative imparting knowledge to nurses and clinicians through webinars and at the same time extending kindness to those who are in need. QualiCareNZ extends our sincere gratitude to all our webinar participants and to those who donated for the fundraising.

QualicareNZ intends to offer another free Dementia webinar in May 2022.

