About Us

We pride ourselves in delivering high quality and evidence-based training programs to the aged care nursing workforce. We believe that older people deserve only the best care, and this is possible when we have a competent and confident aged care workforce.

QualiCareNZ was established in 2019 with a vision of providing quality education to foster quality care for older people. The training and education sessions that QualiCareNZ provides were unique as they were developed according to the topics that are clinically relevant as suggested to us by nurses and from issues that are important to clients and their families.

Our resources were developed and designed to accommodate busy clinicians and healthcare professionals. The modules are short, progressive, and has utilised a micro-learning stage approach, which we have consulted with experts and co-designed with clinicians and older people. We deliver trainings informed by contemporary, and research-based clinical evidence, which played an important role for clinicians to be knowledgeable in practice and to effect change in policy pertaining to aged care.

QualiCareNZ shares the objectives of many stakeholders in the aged care sector, and that is to ensure that good quality care is provided to older people through a well-educated workforce.